Outreach Ministries
Tackle Hunger!

The “Souper Bowl of Caring” is held yearly on the same Sunday as the NFL Super Bowl. During the weeks preceding the Super Bowl, members are encouraged to “tackle hunger” in our local community by bringing in canned goods and other non-perishable food items. On the actual “Souper Bowl Sunday”, soup kettles are also in place with the competing football teams’ logo and worshipers are encouraged to cast their votes for who will will with cash donations collected in the kettles. A football toss competition for different age groups is also held with the nominal entry fees going to the cash kettles. In 2020, $176.25 and 1412 items were collected for the Agape Food Pantry which serves Sidney and Shelby County residents. In 2021 due to the ongoing pandemic, no food items were collected but a $950 donation was given to Agape for the Food Pantry. In 2022, 680 food items were collected and $520 raised for Agape Food Pantry. For 2023, the number of items collected was 1,168 and cash donations totaled $500.00
For more information or to donate directly, visit the Souper Bowl website at Tackle Hunger – Home of the Souper Bowl of Caring